
Sunday, November 21, 2010

I guess I am an undercover crunchy/granola/whatever momma to be...

One of my SILs and I were hanging out yesterday afternoon and I learned something new.  So far, she is the only SIL (I have 4) that I have revealed my birth plan to.  As long as I remain low risk, I will be delivering at a birth center with mid-wives and would like to do a waterbirth.  This may seem crazy to some, and I am okay with that.  I just have this huge fear of hospitals and have had very serious reactions to a variety of medications, particularly Demerol & Versed, so I would like to avoid medications as much as possible.

I am not going to push my beliefs on anyone, so don't worry about that.  I think every person should do their research and go with their instinct on what they think is right for them.  Now if I become high-risk or something happens, I will obviously do whatever is best for me and/or the baby.

I also plan on breastfeeding and cloth diapering.  Gasp!  When I told my SIL that I plan on cloth diapering (CDing) she gave me a high five.  However, she told me that she was quite surprised I would go that route because I don't "seem" like the type.

I find that to be kind of funny, but at the same time, it is a good thing.  Cloth diapering sure has changed since my childhood and there are just so many options.  My mom was shocked when I showed her all the options and made the comment "what about the rubber pants?"  Yes, CDing has come a long way and is a lot easier than it used to be.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

"Outing" myself...

Big news in our household....I'm pregnant!  I have known for 3 weeks tomorrow and am just too excited to contain myself.  I do ask for those of you that know me IRL or on facebook to not say anything on FB b/c only immediate family and very close friends know right now.  Of course I have to include a photo of the 3 tests (yes, I was in disbelief):

Now for the funny story, although I must first start with a backstory... We had been TTC (trying to conceive) for 4 cycles.  The Friday before I tested, C asked me if I thought this was the cycle.  I had never been so sure that my period was coming and I told him this wasn't our month.

My first 2 cycles "trying" were very odd.  I had a cortisone steroid shot in my SI joint (low back) to help with my back pain and I truly believe that the steroid made my cycles go crazy.  Cycle number 3 was super short - only 18 days and I ovulated on day 7.  Craziness!

So on Sunday, October 17th, I woke up and took my basal body temperature like I do everyday and went back to sleep.  (I temp every morning at 5:30 am and then just go back to sleep if I don't need to get up right away.)  8:30 rolls around and I decide to see what my temp was and I was expecting it to take a nose dive like it normally does as my period is about to begin.  To my shock, my temp had gone up and was higher than it had ever been.  This can be an early sign of pregnancy, so since I was 12 DPO (days past ovulation), I decided to test.

The first test I dipped was messed up and the control line did not even appear.  I figured that I must have not dipped it long enough, so I re-dipped.  Sure enough, 2 lines appeared.  Then I figured that I must have messed up the test and started with a new test.  Sure enough, 2 lines appeared again.

It is now about 8:45 am, so I decide to go wake Chris up.  (I had always thought I would do something creative to tell him, but I was too excited, shocked, and in disbelief to not tell him.)  So I go to Chris and say "I tested and there are 2 lines."  The poor guy was so confused and had absolutely no idea what I was talking about.  I told him he just need to come with me and he begrudgingly agreed.  He looked at the tests, scratched his head, and said "So does this mean we need to have sex?"  WTH?  My response was "no, we already did that and this is the result - I'm pregnant."  :)

Back to Chris's comment - one of the things I was doing while charting was using OPKs (ovulation predictors).  These things drove me batty!  I had convinced myself that there was something wrong with me b/c I NEVER got a positive OPK.  For the record, a truly positive OPK has a darker test line than a control line.  So all of those people that I see saying that they have 7 days of a positive OPK really need to read the instructions.

Well that's all for now, I'm sure there will be plenty more to come.

p.s.  My EDD is June 28, 2011.